Behave Well, Listen to Me

Manor Yang Po's public relations team came out with an excellent story.

Painting Yang Po as a devoted good man.

The story was like this: over ten years ago, after Yang Po's wife passed away from cancer, he engrossed himself with work and also promised his wife to raise their daughter up. He remained single after that, all the way until he met Jing Yun years later.

Jing Yun's devotion to him touched his heart. However, he remembered his promise to his wife and thus had not been able to give Jing Yun a family. Jing Yun was really understanding. She wanted to wait for his daughter to grow up into an adult first and be able to accept her before holding a wedding. She stayed by his side throughout the many years.

Both of them really wanted to gain his daughter's understanding.

In this story, the daughter, who turned against them all along and was suppressed by her family, had no choice but to put on a show too. She acted out a beautiful sad drama.