When One Is Poor, One Has Low Expectations

"No, everybody loves me, pretty," Shen Qianshu said. "Those who are jealous of me are little green tea."

Shen Qianshu pinched Maxi's flesh. It was indeed hard. Girls at this age should be soft. Upon touching the skin of girls, it should feel like cotton candy, the kind which was soft and sweet. However, Monica and Maxi were very different.

They should be pampered like princesses until they grew up.

This was also not the kind of life they had chosen.

"Let's go and have our meal."

As Shen Qianshu's wound was not too good for the past few days, she had been eating in the room. It was the first time she went to the canteen on the island. There were not that many people, and it was very clean. It was not bad compared to the canteen of the international school that Shen Qianshu attended back then.

Their meals were uniform, consisting of one meat, two vegetables, and one soup.