Touch Your Crotch

Monica said, "Touch your crotch."

"What!" Shen Qianshu was furious. "Magical girl, you are not only demonic, but you are also very sadistic."

She actually wanted her to touch her crotch. This was such a lewd action. Was it something that she, as a very cute and pretty girl, would do?

"Didn't you hold back your urine? Take a look whether you have been so frightened that you wet yourself. If you didn't wet yourself, why don't you get up and pee to verify whether there is any sniper?"

Shen Qianshu was silent for a moment.

"I feel that… it is not that urgent."

She controlled herself again for three hours to hold back this bag of urine.

The sun was setting.

She continued to hold back.

Maxi said, "A sniper has to be patient."