Meeting Someone Familiar

She conveniently stuffed some snacks into her bag. Monica's and Maxi's equipment was very complete.

"What did you bring? You packed so quickly."

"Food." Shen Qianshu took out a packet of haw slices. "Want to eat?"

Monica and Maxi exchanged glances. They passed her and ran downstairs. They had the attitude of wanting to beat her to death when they talked to her. Shen Qianshu shrugged her shoulders. She was very innocent. She really did not have anything much to pack.

A few of them reached the runway. There was already a group of girls on the plane. Besides a group of girls, there was also a group of youngsters. They were wearing short sleeves and shorts. There were black people, white people, and Asians. One of them had a very familiar face of a youngster.

Shen Qianshu staggered.

She nearly took a tumble.

What the…!!!

Rival in love!