Male Model Team

"Go and check these three airports."


Zhong Ran went to check the three airports on the flight route. Ye Ling called Ye Tingyun. "Tingyun, I'll give you the address of an airport. Come over immediately first. Don't arouse anyone's attention. Monitor every plane that lands at the airport. If the timing is right, there are still three hours before landing."

"Yes, Big Brother. I understand."

The other two airports were private airports. According to the time, they should have already arrived. It was also too late to use satellite surveillance now.

Xie Jinghuan also came over to the tower.

The plane had indeed flown from Columbia. The tower records could not be fabricated. Xie Jinghuan said, "Do you plan to go every place to survey?"

"Yes!" Ye Ling said. "One of these places has to be real. Is there any information found in other places?"

Xie Jinghuan said, "Xiaoyuan's side seems to have some news. Go over."