My Wife Eloped with Someone

And why would they appear in the desert?

"Why is wealth here provided by 'bad guys'?"

The youth said, "Every June, a group of people will come to our town. They are very fierce, and they come with guns, the kind that could really kill. They get all the young and strong men to work in the desert. The returns are very high. Sometimes people would die too, but the compensation for it is very high. Usually, it would be a miracle if my parents earned 100 USD after working for one day."

Ye Ling's expression did not change. He asked, "What kind of work do they do in the desert?"

"I don't know. My parents said that we cannot tell anyone. The people there are really fierce. If we let our mouths run around, we would lose both our money and lives. So, do not enter the desert. It's really dangerous there."

Ye Ling said, "My friend's gold is in the desert, so I have to go."