Two Rounds Of Bullets Left For You

It was a round of shooting blindly.

Nobody had killed anybody.

Shen Qianshu and Ye Ling were on the other side of the crossroad. Ye Ling gestured with his hand. Monica and Maxi walked upwards, and Shen Qianshu and Ye Ling walked in the other direction. They did not come together.

No one responded to Black Rose's words, and it was as if she was singing a one-man show.

They did not have the time to reply to Shen Qianshu. They were even more unwilling to reply to Black Rose.

Ye Ling bent over his body. Shen Qianshu conveniently picked up a grenade. The supplies in the city were still more than those in the jungle. She put on the night vision device and observed the surroundings. She did not see anyone.

There was someone on the second floor on the opposite side. It was also the floor above Monica and Maxi.