If You Don't Do, You Will Not Die

Ye Ling had no reaction. He looked really angry.

Shen Qianshu thought, I'm done for. I'm done for.

"Master, are you really angry?" Shen Qianshu scratched her head. She tried to please him by going near to him. She removed her shoes. Her fair and tender little feet moved gently on the carpet and crawled up the back of his feet. Although she was a little shy as it was her first time doing this kind of thing, she held on strongly. It could not be seen at all that she was feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

Ye Ling took her feet away.

He did not let her tease him.

Shen Qianshu, who had failed to tease him, felt somewhat regretful.

It was really too regretful.

It had actually ended this way.

"Master, don't be so heartless." Shen Qianshu pouted. "Did you see the video that I sent you today?"

Ye Ling raised his head and gave her a fierce stare.

He gave a look of 'she still dared to mention it'.