Life and Death Is Decided by Fate

His knee flew upward and hit the area between Molise's forefinger and thumb. Molise felt her arm become numb. Meng Qi fell onto the boxing ring and aimed a kick at her arm. Molise's dagger fell to the ground. Meng Qi picked up the dagger and stabbed it into Molise's calf with a swift move.

"Ah…" Molise let out a pitiful cry. Meng Qi did not give her any chances to pounce back again, kicking her off the boxing ring.

"Molise!" Two girls went over to help Molise up. The dagger was stuck on her calf, with the fresh blood dying her pants red. Her face became awfully pale. Meng Qi was a talented person and stabbed the dagger right into her bones. They could all feel Molise's pain.

A girl said, "Gatekeeper, Molise is injured. We will send her to the hospital!"