Little Master Who Was A Non Emirate

"Be a little serious. The people in our castle have always been so upright."


"What do you mean by 'haha'?"

"Little fellow, don't try to defend someone against injustice. This is a casino. You and I are managing different areas. You also cannot interfere with me, right? I am definitely earning this little fat sheep's money. Ah, where did this little fool come from? I'll strike it rich if a few more of such fools come here."

"…" The secret guards stared at him.

Their family's little master had always been cute and adorable. When he went out every day, he would look into the mirror at least 10 times. His burden as an idol was extremely heavy. He bragged that he was the smartest in the world and that he was the invincible little sweetheart in the universe. However, he became a little fool in their place here.

Hahaha, you all have to be cool!