Cute Little Dimples.

Ye Ling took a deep breath as if he was trying to deal with something that was greatly unacceptable. "Shen Qianshu, what do you mean by all of this? He's so pitiful? So you want him and not me, huh?"

Shen Qianshu replied. "Of course not!"

If I had to choose between you and the world, I only want you. I am willing to give up the entire world.

You are my one true desire. You are the reason that I can forgive the past and accept the future after 7 years.

"Fine. Stop talking."

Shen Qianshu tugged at the angry Ye Ling. "Master, don't be mad."

"There are many pitiful people in the world. Can you pity all of them?"

"But they are not a part of you," Shen Qianshu said. "In my heart, Noah is different from them because he is you when you were younger."

The you that you imagined yourself to be.

"Master!" Zhong Ran came over hurriedly, and he looked really anxious. "Something's wrong!"

"What's wrong?"