I'm Happy and Willing

The dead sea.

Ye Tingyun's wrist was sewn up, and the wound was closing up slowly. The healing process was extremely slow as there were a lot of bacteria in the boat. He was an intelligent man, never engaging in useless resistance. He had almost become the model of resignation.

Never angry, never loud. He ate whatever he was given. He did not care if it was leftover food; he did not care if the water was hot or cold. However, he never lowered his head or begged. He was neither overbearing nor servile.

Bruce said, "Ye Family's men are indeed scary."

In the face of despair, in the face of death, this man could still maintain his grace with a smile on his face, as if he was casting life and death away. This was definitely a man that would make one terrified.

"It's fake." Ye Chu chewed onto an apple. Fruits brought to the sea could not be kept for long. They stocked the most apples; hence, Ye Chu cultivated the habit of eating an apple daily.