Second Brother, Be More Leisurely

Little Apple: It must be you who bullied others.

Little Second Brother: I have never bullied others.

Little Apple: If other people bully you, will you take revenge?

Little Second Brother: No, it's my fault.

Little Apple: But I want to take revenge. Quickly teach me how I can make him die. His background is very impressive. He has many people around him, and I can't go near him. What other ways are there for me to kill him?

Little Second Brother: Do you know how to fire a gun?

Little Apple: Yes!

Little Second Brother: You can find a gun, right? Make it a surprise. Take advantage of it when he's sleeping and give him one shot.

Little Apple: There are people who are always guarding him outside his door. I cannot enter.

Little Second Brother: Then you divert the people away.

Little Apple: How to divert?