I Won't Fall For Ye Chu

Second Brother: Let me, your brother, tell you. If you are in such a hurry to seek revenge, stab him to death. That's the easiest and least painful way. But… A stab is not torturous enough. You have to torture him slowly.

When Ye Chu saw these words, her eyes lit up. Torture him slowly?

How so?

Little Apple: Senpai, teach me please!

After this, Second Brother did not reply for a long time. Ye Chu was really curious. No matter how she tried to make him reply, Second Brother did not reply.

Little Apple: Second Brother, have you fallen into the toilet bowl?

Ye Tingyun's phone battery had gone flat. He put it on one side to charge it. Ye Ling came in, and he looked displeased. He and Shen Qianshu had intended to return to City A. "You, return home with us."