I Love You Too

He was so angry that it seemed as if he would jump into the ocean anytime. In a hurry, Shen Qianshu grabbed him. There was a hint of sorrow between her brows. What should she do if Noah refused the treatment?

Noah grabbed her suddenly. He could not control his strength, and the force was so strong that it was like her wrist was going to be crushed. She was in dire pain, yet she remained motionless.

"I don't want to be treated, okay?" Noah looked at her furiously. He was evidently angry, yet his tone was extremely pitiful and helpless, sounding like he was begging Shen Qianshu without any dignity.

Noah was clear about one thing. If his body was cured, he might have to bid farewell to Shen Qianshu. He did not want to say goodbye to her. He did not want Ye Ling to come back.

If Ye Ling did not return, he could be with Shen Qianshu forever.