Won't Forgive You

I'm cutting off all ties, he thought.

Jack said calmly, "I heard that Ye Tingyun's company recently independently developed a special precision machine tool. When will you have time to take us for a tour?"

"I don't know." Ye Ling held onto his glass and walked away slowly to look for Ye Tingyun.

Mu Yuan kicked him. "Don't you dare! I have shares."

The moment he spoke, Mu Yuan knew what he wanted to do.

Jack said, "Don't you want Ye Ling to leave? See, he's gone."

"…" Mu Yuan was speechless.

It made sense.

There were many men and many topics to talk about. Other than Ye Ling, who was a little special, everyone else could get along quickly. It could be regarded as a moment for interaction within the circle. Some people who did not know each other would exchange their business cards or something.