Must Be A Swindler

The doctor checked Ye Chu's eyes thoroughly. In the end, he concluded that the blood clot in her brain had expanded, and it pressed onto an even bigger area, causing her to lose her eyesight.

As long as the blood clot was gone, her eyesight could perhaps be restored. This was neurological blindness.

"Second Master feels that the risk of the surgery is too big. We also really do not have the confidence and are unable to operate on you." The doctor told the truth accordingly. The risk was too big. If the operation failed, it might cause her to become permanently blind.

Ye Chu suffered a huge blow. Every day when she opened her eyes, it was a dark world. She could not differentiate between daytime and night time. Strangers were around her. Someone had self-proclaimed that he was her brother, but she did not feel any familiarity at all. Ye Chu frustratingly felt that she had become a useless person and that she had nothing.