Second Brother Started To Study Film

Ye Tingyun said, "My sister-in-law is also horrible at studying. She could not learn anything."

"I want to study."

Ye Tingyun said, "…Okay!"

He breathed deeply and pinched her nose. "Then let me look for a teacher to test what level you are at."

He found a teacher the next day to test Ye Chu's skills. Ye Chu's English was decent, and her talent with languages was good. But for studying? Ye Tingyun looked at her conversation with the teacher and held onto his forehead.

Indeed, she was only at the secondary school level.

The teacher spread his hands and communicated with Ye Tingyun in French. "Send this little girl to secondary school? She can't even see. It'll be a bit hard."

Ye Chu looked at the teacher's expression and knew immediately that she had been looked down upon. She became unhappy. Being uneducated would really make one despised. Now, she was even more determined to study.