This Is My Selfie

Little Apple's words were like poison. It hit the little Second Brother's kneecap unknowingly.

Little Second Brother: The person I like seduced me the other time too.

Little Apple: Then eat her clean. Tsk, men.

Little Second Brother: I let her off in a momentary slip-up. I still regret it till now.

Little Apple: Hahahahaha, you are so pitiful. Did the person you like seduce you again?

Little Second Brother: Ah, it's hard to say in a few words.

Little Apple: You are just being difficult. Maybe she doesn't even like you anymore.

Little Second Brother: She doesn't like me from the start.

Little Apple: If she doesn't like me, why would she seduce you?

Little Second Brother: Little thing, Earth is very dangerous and complicated. You should just stay on Mars and not return. You don't understand.