Memory kill, the Vice guild leader of the six healers

He Chunwang naturally would not go head to head with Jack. He was the eldest young master of the six healers, and his authority was much better than Jack, who had just arrived. However, if one plan did not succeed, there would be two plans. Naturally, he was not afraid of Jack. If he wanted to pester mu Yuan, there would always be a way.

During this period of time, mu Yuan and Jack used he Chunwang's cover to continuously send out news and destroyed two of He Jing's drug factories. Jack cleverly passed the news to another family and asked them to wait for an opportunity to Annex He Jing's forces. He Jing suffered heavy losses during this period of time. Mu Yuan and Jack covered for each other, and the effect was better than mu Yuan being undercover alone.

"We have to force He Jing. The more we force her, the more he'll give himself away."