Chapter 2331-information exchange

"Actually, Roosevelt was the one who suggested this experiment. Later on, because he was too radical and didn't care about human lives, it was ... Our family who took over. The experiment is halfway done, it's impossible to cut it in half. Where's the information you promised me?"

Mu Yuan was speechless.

After a long discussion, they finally reached the main point. This was also the main point of mu Yuan's visit to Jack. Before he could say it, he was interrupted by he Chunwang's assassination.

Mu Yuan would not be sad and pretentious to think that Jack had brought him back for the information.

They were supposed to exchange information.

"Give me the real evidence of Peng zhixian's betrayal." Mu Yuan said that even if he agreed to hand over the item, he could not let him get it easily. He also wanted a piece of evidence.

Jack said softly,"wait a moment."