There's a path to heaven, but you don't take it

The people that the female secret agent sent to survey the road ahead came back. The traffic was indeed caused by the car accident. It was not man-made. Other than the emergency lane, everything was blocked. There was no way to leave this section of the road and could only be blocked in the lane. The female secret agent looked at the road conditions and felt vaguely uneasy. If someone found mu Yuan's information at this time and they caught up, she would either let mu Yuan go or choose to die with him. Otherwise, mu Yuan would die and they would be arrested. If mu Yuan died, they would be arrested. With Lieutenant Colonel Anderson's personality, they were probably in deep trouble.

Although mu Yuan was tied up, he no longer spoke nonsense. His smile was decent and generous, and he looked confident, as if he was sure that the rescue was on the way. On the other hand, the female special Agent was nervous.