Chapter 2381-the tables have turned

Mu Yuan took the name card and glanced at it. He knew that it was a fake name. There were three phone numbers and nothing else.

These days, even mercenaries had name cards.

It was keeping up with the times.

Ye tingjun looked speechlessly at the female agent whose cheekbones were still bruised after being punched by mu Yuan. This lady was a man. Anyone who could become a mercenary leader was a man.

"Good!" Mu Yuan naturally would not be on bad terms with her. It was normal to hand over many businesses that could not be done outside the borders to mercenaries.

Ye tingjun thought to himself,"it's said that the business world is like a battlefield. Their battlefield is even more casual than the business world. Ten minutes ago, she was still a hostage and a kidnapper. Ten minutes later, she has become an employer and employee."

It was too casual!

It was too casual!