Happy breakup

Mu Yuan put his hands in his pockets and slowly strolled around. An old Ford slowly drove over and was not far behind him. Mu Yuan stopped and turned his head slightly. Jack drove over expressionlessly and stopped beside him. Mu Yuan opened the door, got in the car, and fastened his seat belt in one go."Do you want to be different or do you like retro?" I think you're the only one on the street who has seen a 66 edition Ford Mustang. "

This was actually Jack's favorite car. When they were together, Jack had shown off his customized version of the 66th edition of the Ford Mustang. It was quite handsome, but mu Yuan felt that he really could not appreciate such an antique car model under the impact of ye Tingyun's supercars filling the garage.

There was a vague sense of confusion, as if he really couldn't understand the aesthetics of you old people.

He was handsome.