Jack is a little confused 2

"I'll get them to take a plane to T city and set off from there to A city. They should be on the plane. The earliest flight from there to A city will take six hours. It's too slow."

"When they arrive, board the plane according to the original plan."


One of them went out to give an order. After Jack reached out for the video and all the information, he went out to call Lehmann and rose, ordering his team to prepare to go to the airport and set off for A city.

Jack's team had four people. Other than Lehmann and rose, there was also an Information Officer. There were eight people in the top-secret security Agency, and they had already set off. This manpower was enough.

"This is the information sent back by the undercover agent." The Information Officer handed another set of information to Jack.

"Wait a moment." Jack pressed the pause button and stopped watching the video.

"Who is in charge of receiving Balor?"