Little Ice Mountain Princess

Shen qianshu and the designers were out on a business trip and were not at home. When child Xin got into a fight, she was reported to ye Ling. The teacher said that it was very serious and that they had to call her parents. Ye Ling postponed a meeting and came to the kindergarten.

Along the way, he was very unhappy.

His little princess was so obedient. Why would she fight? there must be too many naughty children in kindergarten.

"Zhong ran, go and think of a way. We can build an International School. We will provide a one-stop service from kindergarten to primary school and high school. I'll see who still dares to play the child's heart."

Zhong ran,"?"

Master, are you serious?

"I'm very serious. Leave the approval of qualifications to me from the education Bureau. You go and prepare for me. Within a year, I want to see an International School that belongs to child's heart in city A."

"Master, have some water," Zhong ran said.

Calm down!