Chapter 2705-Hurricane Pirates

Mu Yuan felt that ... He was really unlucky that he did not check the Chinese calendar when he went out today.

He had actually encountered a pirate robbery.

Moreover, they were Hurricane Pirates.

He had never dealt with the hurricane Pirates before, but Hu Yang had. When they were in Somalia, Hu Yang said that the hurricane Pirates were in the Urban area. He did not take it to heart at that time, as the mission was more important.

Who knew that he would be involved in this robbery.

The hurricane Pirates were known for their ruthlessness. Furthermore, they were robbing a China Merchant ship. The sound of gunfire and cannons was endless. Mu Yuan was originally following the route, and there was still half an hour before the fleet. When he saw the fire that filled the sky, he knew that someone was robbing. Mu Yuan saw many people floating in the water, but he did not see any pirate ships. He drove the ship over to save them.