The unlucky young master Chu

Chu Ling's injury was not light. His thigh was seriously injured and he had been unconscious for a long time. Jack looked at him once and then stopped looking at him. He started to encourage James to Rob the Pirates. This would save them a lot of time.

Just as Jack had expected, the Beacon Group monitored all the radio transmissions at sea and sent out a search notice through the radio. If anyone saw the hurricane Pirates and sent their location, they would also get a bounty.

This was Jack's initial plan. During that period of time, the hurricane Pirates had not robbed them, so the news that was heard in the radio was all fake. At that time, he did not know that the hurricane Pirates had a submarine. He also underestimated their opponents. This time, it was different. Jack encouraged James to Rob them, and it happened three times in a week.

The frequency was quite high, and they would naturally be discovered by others if they were so excited.