The devilish brat mu Yuan

Mu Yuan's disagreement caused mu Zhiwei's face to sink. He looked at him coldly. He was much more difficult to deal with than general mu. General mu was a general and had never changed his position before. He had always been a man of his word. Other than dissing old Yang, he had a think tank like the Secretary General by his side. He did not need to use his brain at all. He also did not need to face the media. He could do whatever he wanted.

In China, general mu was one of the top bosses.

Mu bingwei was different. The two of them had different functions. After mu Yuan's grandfather passed away, mu bingwei had to face the rain of swords and Spears all the way to get to where he was. General mu only needed military achievements to be able to climb up. Mu bingwei had a much harder time than general mu. Moreover, those who could play around in the system were usually old schemers.

Mu Yuan instantly kept quiet after being glanced at by his uncle.