I'm going to die anyway

A few men went to the helicopters and got on. There were three helicopters in the manor, one on the roof and two on the tarmac. At the same time, a few men went to the tarmac and got on the helicopters.

There were always two people on guard at the helicopter. Mu Yuan and Xiao Qiao saw through the scope that a Guard's neck was cut off and dragged into the helicopter without a sound.

Xiaojiao said,"Oh, internal strife."

Jack frowned."What happened?"

Mu Yuan said,"one of the helicopter guards in the manor was killed, and another guard replaced the killed guard. There should be some internal problems. Something big is going to happen tonight."

The angle was very hidden, and everyone in the manor was their own people. The guard was killed before he could say a word and was dragged into the helicopter. The action was very clean.

With another replacement, the whole process took less than two seconds, clean and neat.

Xiaojiao raised her eyebrows."k is moving."