Chapter 3006-one step away

The war between the two of them started because of an argument while they were repairing cars.

A few killers who knew them went forward to persuade them.

There were actually a lot of people in the dark net, and this time, they had invited more than 20 top assassins just in case. Carl's expression was very unhappy after receiving the report.

The Japanese man sneered."An assassin who took the money and worked hard as a machine, but still caused such a mess. I told you that there was no danger and there was no need to bring so many people, but you didn't listen. Bringing so many people here is a burden. I warned them that if they made any more noise, they would all be shot to death. Let them have their dog temper."

In front of them, Dai Li was like a machine. She was expressionless as she said calmly,"Sir, you brought so many people with you. Do you not trust me?"