It's Yinyin

Little Eva naturally couldn't understand, but that didn't affect her happy mood.

The police officer at the side wanted to carry the child. Jack was more vigilant. Most of the Interpol members were family, and ghosts could not be ruled out. He could not give the child to others.

"It's fine, I'll do it!"

The matters at the manor also reached a higher stage. Jack handed the matter over to Leyman and rose, and he brought Eva to find Xie jinghuan. This child ... Was too familiar.

Those two delicate little dimples seemed to be a symbol. He couldn't figure out what for a moment and could only give it to Xie jinghuan first. Fortunately, it was only a baby girl, so he could make up her identity later.

Lu Lu had been following Jack, but she was afraid of exposing her identity, so she didn't dare to follow too closely. She followed him all the way to the hospital.