Jack and mu Yuan, Xiao Qiao and Wesley.

In the parallel world.

The 15-year-old mu Yuan was lying on the table, drowsy. He had just entered the military school today. He was tall and sat in the last row. He was a famous straight-A student in first middle school. Because of his family background, no one dared to provoke him.

"Big brother Yuan, why are you so listless? there are exchange students from United States today. I heard that there are great beauties." The students gossiped, their eyes shining with excitement.

Mu Yuan had been in military school since he was young. When he heard that, he scoffed coldly and said,"our class is full of stinky boys. There isn't a single girl. Do you still expect there to be a girl in the exchange students from United States?"

Little mu Yuan, who did not have enough sleep, had a bad temper.