Barete Did Not Survive

Gu Mengmeng and Sandy walked towards the main firepit, holding hands while Elvis and Bode followed them from behind. Walking pass Quentin, Gu Mengmeng paused her steps and turned behind to Elvis, asking him, "Didn't Nina's partners bring Quentin away with them? He will die if they left him here."

"I'll ask someone to send him over." Elvis did not want Gu Mengmeng to care for other males, including those who had already mated.

Luckily, Gu Mengmeng did not have any favorable impression towards Quentin. But she was kind and would not ignore him if she saw him dying in front of her face.


"Huh? Quentin had already come down from the Platform of the Deity's Punishment so where's Barete? Why didn't I see him?" Gu Mengmeng asked while looking around, she really did not see Barete's shadow at all.