A Mutually Consented Thing

"Why?" Gu Mengmeng's smile froze on her face. Lea had not opened his mouth to explain when her tears let her down by falling uncontrollably.

Gu Mengmeng ignored the soreness in her eyes and also did not want to analyze what exactly was the reason why her heart was feeling so suffocated. She just wanted to use the brightest smile to call Lea back.

But Lea stood rooted to the spot, not moving a single inch. A refined and cultured smile was still hanging on his face as he replied Gu Mengmeng, "It's going to be winter soon..."

Gu Mengmeng did not understand what Lea meant as she just speedily wiped the tears in her eyes away and stared at Lea with her fullest concentration, waiting for him to continue.

Lea's sight swept across Gu Mengmeng to look at a faraway place and he continued with disappointment, "I have already matured into adulthood for quite some time. If I don't mate anytime soon, I'll miss the opportunity to bear the strongest cubs."