Identity Exposure

"You... what do you want to do?" Dumbo's expression started to tense. He tried to move his mouth in anyway possible as he said, "I'm the faithful messenger of Sauder, if you kill me..."

"I'm already someone that had been banished, what else can Sauder do to me?" Lea smiled indifferently and did not seem to take any of Dumbo's words to heart. He exerted more strength on his arm and tightened the grip around Dumbo's neck. Then, he inched closer and whispered to his ear, "Furthermore, don't I have the messenger of the Beast Deity as backing? The Second Highness still dares to do anything to me?"

After Lea finished speaking, he raised his head to look faraway, the smile on his face becoming wider and more radiant.

Dumbo did not dare to move at all and his pupils just darted alongside Lea's gaze to try with all his might and see exactly what was making him smile in such a penetrating manner.