Someone You Like

Elvis gave Gu Mengmeng a tug and pulled her back into the cave. Thinking for a moment, he hugged her in his arms and then turned around, using his back to face the entrance so as not to let the cold wind get to her.

"It's snowing, this means that winter is coming. Females are generally more delicate and can't leave the cave again or else they will get sick."

Gu Mengmeng could not comply. What a joke, she could not leave the cave just because it was snowing? Then all the kids living in the northeast of China had to stay at home to avoid the winter for half a year every time?

Gu Mengmeng struggled to leave but Elvis shook his head to reject her firmly. Seeing how acting shamelessly was useless, Gu Mengmeng changed a policy and continued bluffing, "Over at our side, there's a custom. You have to stroll under the snow with the person you like during the first snow because after walking for a while, the couple will get white heads (old age)."