The Fight Between The Wolf and The Tiger

The seven beasts surrounding Elvis exchanged glances, then proceeded to back off slowly.

An agreement was made.

Elvis' gaze swept across the beasts, nodding to express his acknowledgment, then slowly walked towards the man who called himself the leader.

That man also threw aside the leg bone that he had chewed halfway, standing up to move his neck left and right, continuing to laugh annoyingly. Gu Mengmeng swore, even though she had seen so many television shows, she had never seen such a repulsive villain like this damned chap. As expected, the face is born by nature, there was a clear innate difference in a real and a fake bad guy.

"Interesting, interesting." The man whipped his head and transformed into an enormous tiger, prowling towards Elvis with a growl.

With a tilt of his body, Elvis missed the tiger's attack by a hair. At the moment they brushed past, he took the opportunity to use his sharp claws to attack the tiger's abdomen.