No More Love, Is It?!

Elvis and Lea were shocked instantly. That stunned expression on them looked as if they had discovered a frightening big secret.

Gu Mengmeng looked at them and felt even more helpless. Pointing at Elvis and Lea, she cried, "I know that talk is cheap, to be an armchair quarterback. You two don't even have any experience. Are you two planning to use me as a lab rat? I'm not doing it, not doing it..."

Elvis carried Gu Mengmeng and tried to prevent her from hurting herself after being overly agitated. His every action was done in utmost cautiousness so as not to let her feel wronged.

"Xiao Meng, don't be scared. I'll search for other females in the tribe who had given birth to wolf cubs before and after I ask them, I'll come back and tell you, alright?"