You Are the One Who Held My Hand First

"Why are you in a daze? Water!" Elvis was surprised by Lea's state this time. Lea used to be sharp and sensitive, the slow reaction was nothing like him.

Lea was awakened by Elvis's call. He wanted to pass the cup to Elvis, but changed the direction midair and he walked straight up to Gu Mengmeng. He carried Gu Mengmeng, whom had just vomited, with one leg kneeling on the ground and another in a ninety degrees angle, he made a chair with his leg to let Gu Mengmeng sit down. Then, he used his big tail to secure her back, turning himself into a human-fox chair. With two hands empty now, he wiped away the stain on Gu Mengmeng's lips with one hand and passed the cup to her mouth with the other. He said gently, "Come, drink some water."