I Suspect That You Really Do Have the Blood of Husky

The third week after the wolf cubs were weaned, the snow-sealed entrance of the cave started to come loose.

Gusts of cold wind blew in, bringing coldness but not as chilly as before.

Elvis carried Gu Mengmeng to the entrance and gave a seemingly effortless push. The snow sealing the entrance fell apart outwards like a tray of loose sand.

The sight Gu Mengmeng was looking at was not aesthetic, without any feels of everything blooming in the spring. The snow that was still in the process of melting split Saint Nazaire into ravines. Although the melted snow was clear white due to the lack of pollution from car exhaust, Gu Mengmeng had no mood to step out of the cave.

However, it was only Gu Mengmeng who did not want to step out.