There's An Affair Going On

Sandy was stuck in a predicament and she cast her glance against the sunlight on Gu Mengmeng's side-view. She did not know whether she was guilty or what but her heart started palpitating wildly.

Blushing, Sandy avoided eye contact with Gu Mengmeng and muttered, "No...nobody."

Gu Mengmeng inched closer to Sandy slowly until the tip of the nose was almost touching Sandy's. Breathing in, Gu Mengmeng raised her brow and said, "Nobody? It's not right...I clearly smell an affair going on."

Sandy shook her head profusely, saying, "No no, I don't have anything going on with Collin."

Gu Mengmeng smiled wickedly and released Sandy's chin. She said in an indifferent tone, "Ah...Collin."

Sandy realized that she inadvertently blurted her secret out, so she immediately covered her mouth with both her hands, staring at Gu Mengmeng while blinking her innocent large eyes. However, 'guilt' was obviously written on her face.