Can I Beat Him To Death?

Smiling sweetly, Gu Mengmeng leaned in Elvis' arms, "It's not so exaggerated. At least our four boys won't become your love rivals."

Elvis snorted, "Those four rascals better watch out, they are the best at snatching my wife."

Gu Mengmeng acted coquettishly, giving Elvis' chest a punch before saying, "You have to act like a proper father, can you not always be at odds with your own sons?"

Elvis sighed, feeling helpless that Gu Mengmeng always protected those four little ones. However, the more she protected them, the more he felt that they were obstructions.

After that, the three of them continued discussing Ellie and Cole, and came to the conclusion that it saved trouble for Ellie to remain in Sauder, anyway.

During dinner time, Auretin carried a giant beast that looked like a rhinoceros outside the stone house and hesitated at the front door before finally shouting, "Gu Mengmeng, are you there?"