The Weak Has No Bragging Rights

Gu Mengmeng warmly replied with a single word, "Scram!"

Elvis howled at the sky, and that shocked Gu Mengmeng so much she shuddered and turned around asking, "What are you doing, hubby? Eh… it isn't a full moon night today."

Elvis carried Gu Mengmeng, "Lea and I can't possibly carry all these bamboo shoots by ourselves. I'm calling the members of the tribe to come do some labour."

Clearly losing it, Gu Mengmeng responded, "Sigh, this pathetic beast world. Only travelling by foot, communicating by howls…"

Ian snorted, "Ha."

Gu Mengmeng was about to fire at him, but he spread out his wings and flew away… flew away… away…

"Do you think you're all that just because you can fly? Do you think you're an angel just because you have wings? You could damn well be a harpy! Don't fly if you dare, come down and we'll compete over who is better!"