You're Abandoning Me?

Lea looked at Gu Mengmeng silently for a long time, eventually giving in and sighed, "Give me three days' time, let me make all the appropriate arrangements here and then I'll go with you."

Gu Mengmeng shook her head, placing her tiny hand on the back of Lea's, "In the case that I face an unpredicted obstacle, I have to have someone out there to come save me, don't I?"

Lea gritted his teeth and lost all ability to fake any smiles, asking one word at a time, "You're abandoning me?"

Gu Mengmeng chuckled, gently caressing Lea's face, "No, I just want you to guard a place of return for me. Give me some space to back up to. I will return, definitely."

Lea held Gu Mengmeng's hand tightly, losing his cool for the first time, not caring that her wrist had turned red due to him exerting his strength, only replying, "I don't allow that! I won't permit you to leave me alone."

Elvis held Lea's arm, "Calm down, Xiao Meng will be hurt."