You Are Making Me Feel Like You Are a Complete Pervert.

Snake pulled away Gu Mengmeng's hand that was rubbing her eyes, went close to her, stick out his tongue and licked her lightly.

Gu Mengmeng felt grossed out and her drowsiness wore off instantly. She took a step backward and said, "Stop stop stop, you are making me feel like you are a complete pervert."

Snake did not get angry, he said, "In my memory, every morning, my father beast would do this to my mother beast and she would have the rare smile on her face."

Gu Mengmeng was stunned for a moment, she asked, "Did your father do this before your mother was awake or before?"

Snake shook his head and signaled that he could not remember.

Gu Mengmeng explained patiently, "If he was kissing her eyes before she wakes up, it is called waking her up gently, but if he was licking her crusty eyes after she had woken up, it is called a pervert, understood?"

Snake frowned and looked at Gu Mengmeng with a confused face.