I'm Scared I'll Miss The Time When You Need Me

When Elvis saw Gu Mengmeng, he was taken aback for a second.

He threw the dead wild beast to one side and evolved back into human form before walking to Gu Mengmeng. His long black hair flowed down his back, showing off the smooth and defined lines of his muscles. The light rusty smell of blood contrasted against his presence in the rain, resembling a Datura Stramonium blooming in the prison, elegant and graceful.

"Why are you here?" Elvis frowned and pulled the beast skin slightly to cover her head completely, preventing rainwater from entering her eyes.

"I was a little flustered because you were away for too long so I walked in to check on you." Gu Mengmeng looked at the pile of prey behind Elvis and asked, "You're taking too long to kill them one by one. Why don't you just directly emit your beast pressure, won't that make things easier?"