Go There And Lie Down Straight!

Gu Mengmeng felt her heart being tugged on as she frowned to look at Elvis. "Is it that serious?"

Elvis glared at Lea and then touched Gu Mengmeng's face gently, comforting her, "I'm a fifth-level orc. Although I can't be compared to you, I'm at least an outstanding figure who had emerged as champion. Don't let Lea scare you, aren't I standing well here?"

Gu Mengmeng bit her lip and shouted, "Go there and lie down straight!"

Elvis was taken aback by Gu Mengmeng's howl and upon seeing the tears welling up in her eyes, he became more flustered and terrified than when she lost control and exploded.

"Don't be angry, I'll lie....lie down, alright?"

Elvis walked to the place where Gu Mengmeng directed him to and lied down straight obediently. He looked at Gu Mengmeng in utmost cautiousness and said, "I've lied down straight, do you want to come over?"