I Gave You Your Chance

Lea's legs clamped down on Cole's waist while his hands gripped at Cole's underarms to control his hands. His huge tail curled around Cole's neck. Lea was like a rope binding Cole tightly.

Cole struck Lea's nose with a vicious head butt.

Blood spurted out but Lea appeared unconcerned. His tail remained tightly wound as he held firm to the resolution to kill Cole.

Cole narrowed his eyes dangerously and gazed towards the still-sleeping Gu Mengmeng. With a smirk, he unleashed his fifth-level beast aura to force Lea off him.

Such a powerful aura was not something pure willpower could withstand. Lea was forced down to the ground and could not even lift his head. It was as if every inch of his bones had been ground to dust. Blood spurted out of his mouth, but he maintained his sly smile.

Lea's chest heaved and his gaze slackened for a moment.

"What did you do?!" Cole asked as he gripped Lea's neck.