I Didn't, I Really Didn't!

Gu Mengmeng composed herself. She did not wish to cause anxiety to Elvis and Lea. As such, she tried her best to hold back the worry in her eyes. "There is one more thing which I didn't like. Cole kept talking about replacing you. What did he mean? Did he believe that I will like him if he killed you?"

Lea shook his head. "He wanted to make use of the Fox Seductive Fragrance to bewitch you and transfer your feelings for me onto himself. It means… he would steal our memories and make you believe that you had always loved him."

"Fox Seductive Fragrance?" Gu Mengmeng was stunned. "Didn't you already pluck off his tail at Sauder, and said that he would never give off the Fox Seductive Fragrance anymore?"

Lea pinched Gu Mengmeng's chin. "Silly girl. The Fox Seductive Fragrance does not need to be Cole's own. Moreover, even if he still had his tail, his own fragrance cannot steal memories."